In addition to canvassing work maintaining Electoral Registers for Local Authorities Data Tracking also carry out tracked deliveries for Local Authorities and County Councils nationally where an important message or newsletter/magazine needs to be delivered to all residents in a certain area and proof of delivery through tracked individual household records maintained. One example involved acquiring data for all households in a given area and printing and delivering specific letters to in excess of 25,000 households regarding County Council owned land in their area. We then provided a detailed spreadsheet containing data on where and when deliveries were made which is essential in view of the intended purpose of the letter.
Data Tracking have worked in all parts of England from the Scottish borders to Lands End in Cornwall and the experience and employment contacts we have secured during the last eight years have enabled us to consider other Local Authority work which either coincides with our Electoral Register update work or is done at different time of the year.
We are experienced in carrying out canvassing, observation, data matching and tracked delivery services for Local Authorities. Our emphasis is on a planned methodical approach where you can 100% rely on the data we provide no matter what type of contract we are fuflilling
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