Despite the introduction of Individual Electoral Registration the Electoral Commission have maintained their belief in the existing system and canvassing requirements by maintaining the need to carry out a full area canvas using HEF type forms annually as well as ITR forms for individual registration.
Because of the Government’s desire to maintain an effective list of individual registrants it is very important that as much data as possible is collected from households prior to 30 November when previous years data may not be carried forward.
As a result of this we are always busy from August to the end of November each year and encourage any Local Authority wishing to have an effective update to contact us with a view to starting the canvas as quickly as possible. Additionally we would recommend that writing to persistent non-responders is probably a waste of time and your time and money would be better spent canvassing these properties from the start and preferably before reminder letters are sent.
The Government have recently amended the 1 December deadline for submission of the updated register because of the introduction of IER and the effects of the Coronavirus pandemic and we are available at all times to canvas outstanding HEF forms rather than just during the traditional Months of September to November.
Every Local Authority will be faced with a hard core of properties with no data and rather than chasing this through the post it is better to get a once and for all answer as to whether these properties are occupied. Data Tracking can do this for you
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